About Us
Over 40 years ago, Dr. Shanti Jain had just finished her medical training and began working in rural villages in India, running vaccination programs in remote areas. On one of her missions, she found herself in Khichan, a small town belonging to the district of Philodi, where her father had been born. Because of his humble origins, Shanti's father had instilled in her and her siblings a sense of commitment to serving others. It was this very upbringing and will to do good in the world that led Shanti to dedicate the rest of her life to helping the people Khichan.
Shanti Jain formed Human Benefit Services, and in 1987, with the support of family and friends, built Bal Academy, the first bilingual education school in the region. In 1993, Dr. Shanti Jain succumbed to ovarian cancer, leaving a remarkable legacy and a strong foundation for future growth in Khichan.
Dr. Shanti Jain's sister, Dr. Kanti Jain, a research scientist, shared a passion for service and a commitment to the community of Khichan. She picked up where her sister had left off, taking over Human Benefit Services
In 1999, International Human Benefit Services was formed to allow for supporters around the globe to contribute to the work that was being done in Khichan. It was through this great outpouring of international support that the Human Benefit Services Hospital, Kalapurnam Hospital, was built in 2001.
International Human Benefit Services continues to grow and expand, seeking out support for its many projects in the areas of healthcare, education, and women's empowerment.
Our Story

Where We Work
Khichan is a town of about 7,000 people located in the province of Rajasthan in northwest India. Rajasthan is located about 300 miles south of the Pakistan/Indian border. The area is mostly desert, punctuated by sand dunes that can be over 100 feet high. Khichan is mostly known for the migration of over 20.000 demoiselle cranes that flock to the area every year. This phenomenon is relatively recent, and is beginning to bring some tourism to an area plagued by unemployment.
Long droughts have exacerbated the difficult living conditions in the area, forcing working age men to leave the village most of the year to search for work in larger towns or cities. Competition for jobs is high, and with an adult literacy rate of less than 50%, it is difficult to compete. The women in most cases stay behind to care for the family, but are left to find their own means to make ends meet while they wait for husbands and fathers to bring money back.
Our health, education, and women's empowerment programs are aimed at changing the situation that Khichans currently find themselves in. By providing healthcare, primary education, and skills training, we are ensuring that the next generation is more adapt at competing in an increasingly technical world, and able to best take advantage of the increased tourism in the area. With your support, we can expand our work, bringing the possibility of a bright future for all.
Who We Are
Our Staff

Executive Director
Dr. Subhash Jain

Finance Director
Sapna Jain

Marketing & Fundraising Director
Christine Goffredo